The Beyond Digits project aims to promote the financial literacy of neurodivergent adults.
ADEDU will support educators of learners with disabilities to enhance their digital skills.
Green Enough aims to empower adults and adolescents with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities to adopt more sustainable practices.
The ACT-INCLUSIVE project will raise awareness on inclusive education for students with disabilities.
DIGIT-ABLE focuses on inclusive digitalisation for social enterprises.
Care4Skills will create a stronger and more adaptable long-term care workforce across Europe by addressing the training needs within the sector.
WELL CARE aims to improve the resilience and mental well-being of long-term care workers and informal carers.
ICALL aims to create the tools needed to develop inclusive communities where persons with disabilities can live a full and social life.
QoLAB aims to inform and guide support services on quality assessment and service improvement.
The EHECADI project will support healthcare students from different disciplines to address broad societal health issues.
B-WISE aims to develop a European strategy to tackle the digital skills gaps in the Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) sector.
The AutismFIT project aims to promote the physical and mental well-being of young persons with autism through gamified learning.
The eVeR safe project will provide curriculum to educators of people with autism on how to respond in crisis situations.
DDS-MAP aims to provide digital training to healthcare professionals across Europe.
BeInclusive will support job placement trainers to include people with disabilities in employment at SMEs.
AccessibleEU is an accessibility resource centre on the built environment, transport, information and communication technologies, and policy.
The EQUICARES project aims to improve access to mental health and care services for vulnerable groups.
The BENEFITS project will build on current innovative methodologies to develop a Holistic Appraisal Framework.
GUIDE aims to support professionals/guardians caring for unaccompanied and separated children arriving in the EU from different contexts.
The Be a Volunteer! project aims to develop and strengthen the skills of young people with disabilities through volunteer activities.
BurnOut Free aims to reduce the risks of burnout among parents of children with disabilities and professionals working in ECI services.
EarlyBrain aims to provide parents and relatives of children with developmental disorders with the knowledge and skills to promote the...
Revelland focuses on creative accessibility and aims to produce multisensory performances at selected festivals in 6 European countries.
The SIMS project aims to enhance media coverage of social inclusion and equal opportunities through sport.
GIAff4ID aims to improve sexual education for young people with intellectual disabilities through game-based learning.
CUPID aims to raise awareness through research on the need of cancer prevention methods for people with intellectual disabilities.