Green Enough: Educational program to raise ecological behaviour through an inclusive methodology using Augmented Reality Technology

The Green Enough Project aims to empower adults and adolescents with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities to adopt more sustainable practices by creating an adapted educational program for professionals working with them on a daily basis. The developed educational program will combine traditional methodologies (on site visits, seminars) with an innovative Augmented Reality application.
To do this the project will develop the following materials:
- Handbook for professionals
- Training materials for professionals working with people with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities that will enable professionals to educate people with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities on environmental topics.
- An Augmented Reality Application that will help beneficiaries to understand basic principles around recycling.
- An easy-to-read guide on using the Augmented Reality Application
Target Groups:
- Professionals working with people with disabilities (psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, special educators, activity coaches etc.) who will benefit from the trainings. These professionals will be able to use the Green Enough materials to empower the adults they work with to have a better understanding of sustainable practices and how they can start implementing them.
- Adults with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities who will be empowered tomake their own decisions about the environment and sustainable practices.
- Families of the beneficiaries of the participating service providers who will be able to see their family members be able to make their own decisions and contribute to minimising the impact of climate change.
- Disability support and service organisations who will be able to use the Green Enough materials to equip their staff with more skills their staff can empower the service users to have a better understanding of sustainable practices and how they can start implementing them.
- Desk research concerning ecological behaviour and disability, existing tools and methodologies.
- Development of a curriculum and training materials adapted to the needs of persons with developmental (D.D) and/or intellectual disabilities (I.D).
- Development of an Augmented Reality Mobile Application with an accompanied authoring tool.
- Publication of a training handbook for professionals.
- Publication of an easy-to-read guide for the AR application.
- Hosting of awareness raising seminars concerning climate change and the need for ecological behaviour for individuals with D.D./I.D. and their caregivers.
- Development of a certification scheme to adapt and certify the curriculum, the training and the participating professionals working with people with D.D./I.D.
- Piloting activities and case studies to measure the impact of the training on the ecological behaviour of the participants.
Latest News:
- New Green Enough project to promote the adoption of ecological practices by adults and adolescents with disabilities
- Green Enough project celebrates Global Recycling Day with 5 top tips for improving recycling management
- Coordinator: Astiki Etaireia Psichokoinonik on Meleton (Ploes) (Greece)
- Associacao Para a Recuperacao de Cidadaos Inadaptados da Lousa (ARCIL)(Portugal)
- Fundacja Eudajmonia (Poland)
- Kypriaki Etaireia Pistopoiisis Limited (Cyprus)
- Anaptyxi Kainotomikon Olokliromenon Proionton Asyrmaton Diktyon Aisthitiron Etaireia Periorismenis Euthynis (Sensworks) (Greece)
- Akti Kentro Meleton Ke Erevnas (AKTI) (Cyprus)
- European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (Belgium)
24 months
31/12/2022- 19/12/2024
Rachel Vaughan, Head of Operations at EASPD
Grant Agreement: 2022-1-EL01-KA220-ADU-000086368