Member Fora
The EASPD Member Fora (MF) are permanent working groups responsible for the implementation of the three key pillars of EASPD: Information, Innovation, Impact. The MFs address a wide area of work and they advise, support, and guide the Board and Secretariat. They represent the interest of EASPD in their own field through active research, policy development, and networking among the members. The MFs are coordinated by two co-chairs: one co-chair with a board member position elected by the General Assembly and an internally elected co-chair by the membership of each MF.
The EASPD Member Fora are:

MF on Arts and Culture: provides a platform for the exchange of information and good practices in the field of supporting access to arts. The group works on addressing barriers such as the lack of accessible formats that inhibit access to artistic and cultural activities, materials and venues and supporting artistic careers.

MF on Education: focuses on education, lifelong learning and the development of inclusive schools. The MF uses its know-how and contacts to support the development of an open educational system in Europe.

MF on Inclusive Living: discusses strategic and practical ways to implement the UN CRPD Art. 19. The group collects and exchanges models of good practice in the field of de-institutionalisation and (supported) housing. It supports the development of instruments facilitating user involvement and independent living and drafts policy recommendations for authorities at all levels.

MF on Policy Impact: measures and influences the impact of European policy and legislation on the disability sector.

MF on Early Intervention: exchanges best practices, develops projects, and proposes policy recommendations to promote family centred Early Childhood Intervention practices across Europe.

MF on Employment: focuses on employment-related policies and job-related service developments. Intensive lobbying is being done to ensure that our sector's perspective is fully understood at European level.

MF on Person Centred Technology: was created to look at all the benefits that new technologies can bring to disabled people in areas such as communication, employment, commerce, learning, independence, safety, and free time. The group follows relevant EU policy objectives concerning Person centred Technology/Assistive Technology and the existing barriers at EU level.

MF on Workforce Development and Human Resources: aims to promote high standards of knowledge and skill of EU support services as a means of delivering quality services. It works towards the development of a social care workforce, widely respected and qualified, which delivers services based on shared principles of care.
All EASPD members can formally join and actively take part in the work of the Member Fora. For more information on how to sign up, please contact Ángela Corbi, Membership Officer at