• Technology


The SEURO project built up on the digital health platform ‘ProACT’ and developed three new digital self-assessment and recommendation tools.

The SEURO (Scaling EUROpean citizen driven transferable and transformative digital health) project contributed to research on the use of digital technologies in the health sector for self-management of multimorbidity among older people.


SEURO is a project that was built upon the successful results of the previous project, Pro-Act. The Pro-Act platform was developed to help individuals over 65 years of age, living at home with chronic/multimorbid diseases, to better understand and manage their own health and well-being - independently.


The SEURO project scaled up the ProACT platform using effectiveness implementation hybrid trials with a sample of 720 older people with multimorbidity and members of their care network (Ireland, Belgium, Sweden) to measure the effectiveness of the platform. Participants will have at least one of the following conditions: cardiovascular disease (excluding stroke), COPD and diabetes. An additional inductive simultaneous exploratory trial was co-ordinated in Italy to evaluate the purchasing process by health service providers aiming to implement the ProACT platform.

In addition to trialling the ProACT platform across Ireland, Belgium, Sweden and Italy, the SEURO project developed three novel tools to guide the implementation and evaluation of new digital solutions. These tools include:

  • a self-assessment tool to explore the transferability of a digital solution (ProTransfer);
  • a checklist tool to identify key areas to consider when developing and evaluating a digital health behavioural change intervention (ProBCF-C); 
  • an artificial intelligence prediction model (ProInsight) to assess the impact of a solution on healthcare system performance.

May 2021- May 2024

  • Kick-off meeting - Meeting from 17-19th of May 2021 marked the official start of the project
  • Submission of SEURO tools Friendly Pilots Protocol plan (Implementation protocol to test and evaluate ProTransfer and ProBCF assessment tools with SEURO partners before main EIH and ISE trials)
  • Data Management Plan with Open Research Data Plan
  • Trinity College Dublin (TCD) (Ireland)
  • Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (Austria)
  • Umeå University (Sweden)
  • AIAS Bologna (Italy)
  • IBM (Ireland)
  • Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (imec) (Belgium)
  • Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) (Ireland)
  • Region Västerbotten (Sweden)
  • Home Instead Senior Care (Ireland)
  • Z -Plus (Belgium)
  • CareDoc (Ireland)

Ana Hannotte, EASPD Project Officer

Additional information

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Project website

This project (SEURO) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.945449.