RESPONSE – Responsive services to address gender-based violence against women with disabilities – provided knowledge and capacity about rights-based and gender-responsive services in addressing gender-based violence against women with disabilities.
In the European Union, 40 million women with disabilities are vulnerable to gender-based violence, whether in the forms of physical, psychological or virtual injuries. However, both specialised and mainstream support service providers still fail to prevent gender-based violence against these women and require a more person-centred approach.
Target Group
- Service providers for persons with disabilities
- Mainstream service providers from the health, social care and judicial sector. These service providers should be for women with disabilities who are victims of crime. The
- Mainstream service providers, i.e. all service providers, mainly from health, social care and judicial sectors, that can encounter women with disabilities victims of crime
- Women with disabilities
The project aimed at transporting knowledge from the disability sector to the victims’ rights sector and vice-versa, thus creating an ultimate space for joint learning and cooperation. The project developed:
- A State of the Art report at EU and partner country levels that gave an overview of the situation and identifed promising practices, learning needs, key actors and gaps.
- A Training & Awareness Raising manual on rights-based and gender-responsive services to address gender-based violence of women with disabilities. It has a series of training modules on key learning outcomes for the different target groups to work together.
- A series of capacity-building workshops, using the above mentioned manual. Each partner organised 5 workshops to gather the main target groups, collectively and individually. This led to mutual learning and cooperation activities and testing of the Training & Awareness Raising manual.
- A Massive Online Open Course, adapted from the Training & Awareness Raising manual.
- Policy recommendations on how to develop enabling frameworks on the prevention of gender-based violence against women with disabilities.
Project Materials
RESPONSE State of the Art Report
RESPONSE State of the Art Report Press Release in seven langauges:
RESPONSE infographics on the following:
6 main challenges of developing gender-responsive services for women with disabilities facing gender-based violence
8 priority needs to develop gender-responsive services for women with disabilities facing gender-based violence
10 recommendations for European policymakers to develop gender-responsive services for women with disabilities facing gender-based violence
4 recommendations for local, regional and national policymakers to develop gender responsive services for women with disabilities facing gender-based violence
MOOC Press Release
RESPONSE Policy Recommendations
RESPONSE Training and Awareness-Raising (TAR) Manual available in seven languages:
RESPONSE TAR Manual press release
April 2022 - March 2024
- EASPD (coordinator) (Belgium)
- Plena Inclusion (Spain)
- FENACERCI (Portugal)
- Centre de La Gabrielle (France)
- Hand in Hand Foundation (Hungary)
- Eudajmonia (Poland)
- Jaunuolių dienos centras (Lithuania)
Giulia Bergamasco, Project Officer, EASPD
Tiziana Fantucchio, Senior Project Officer, EASPD
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.