• Workforce Development


PERHOUSE aims to improve working conditions in the Personal and household services sector in Central and Eastern European Countries.

As countries continue to move towards the provision of community based support systems, the demand personal and household services (PHS) has seen an increase. The PERHOUSE project aims to gather data on the working conditions of the workers of the sector in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. The data will help to provide more information on industrial relations and the challenges of the sector in 12 CEE countries. The resulting national comparative analysis will promote a potential social dialogue in the PHS sector at European level.

Project Target Groups:

There are three main targets groups in the project:  domestic workers, social partners and service receivers.

  • Domestic workers refer to self-employed or contract workers who deliver the services. The main profile of domestic workers are women and migrants. These workers will see improvements in their working conditions as a result of the potential social dialogue at European level that will be foster via the project.
  • Social partners are relevant stakeholders of the sector such as professional associations that will give their views on social dialogue and current national policies in the PHS sector. These social parnters will benefit from the project's work to collect up-to-date data on the sector in the region.
  • Service receivers represent those requiring PHS, these receivers are mainly persons with disabilities, children and older persons.  Service receivers will benefit from a higher service quality as a result of the establishment of service quality standards during the social dialogue.
  • Working paper on conceptualization of PHS sector in CEE this paperwill help to establish a framework on the PHS sector in CEE.
  • EU stakeholder views study and policy brief will provide an analysis of stakehlder views on PHS and conditions of the sector.
  • National case studies and policy brief in 6 CEE countries which will providea state of play of the PHS sector (policies, working conditions, demand, etc).
  • Comparative Report and policy brief this report will provide ananalysis comparing the industrial relations in the 12 CEE.
  • Documentary presenting the comparative analysis of the 12 CEEs.
  • Country leaflets with information in the national language on the state of play of PHS sector at national level.
Activities and events:
  • National policy workshops toreceive inputs and comments to add to the study.
  • Final PERHOUSE Conference to present the final analysis on the PHS sector in 12 countries.

The total duration of the project is 24 months, starting from August 2022 until August 2024.

  • Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI)
  • Foundation MK 2025, Macedonia
  • University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (UL)
  • University of Tartu, Estonia (UT)
  • Marie Curie Sklodowska University, Poland (UMCS)
  • European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities, Belgium (EASPD)
  • Charles University, Czechia (CU)

Additionally, the project is supposrted by a number of associated partners:

  • Uni-Europa Association (UNI)
  • European Federation of Food, Agriculture, and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT)
  • European Federation for Services to Individuals (EFSI)
  • Institut Syndical Europeen (ETUI)
  • European Federation for Family Employment (EFFE)



The project is funded by the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) and Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SocPL).