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1159 results:
RightToConnect partners met online for their third transnational project meeting  
Picture of RTCN project partners during their online meeting Talking about their latest e-learning platform, RTCN project partners met online.  
Online workshop – Use of EU funds for social service projects for persons with disabilities  
Euro banknotes are spread across a surface and there are two transparent ligthbulbs resting on the banknotes. The Helpdesk project's workshop on using EU funds for social service projects for persons with disabilities will take place on 19 September.  
How accessible is your country?  
Answer the survey by AccessibleEU on how accessible you think your surroundings are.  
Newly Announced International Day of Care and Support  
UN announces a new day to recognise the importance of social care and support.  
New EU–World Health Organisation partnership: building more accessible, better quality and resilient long-term care systems  
Picture of two puzzle pieces joined by two hands EU and WHO will work together to help improve access to affordable high-quality long-term care.  
One year of the European Care Strategy  
Photo of a young woman reading alongside an older woman, sitting in a chair, with sun coming through the window. The European Care Strategy was presented by the European Commission in 2022. Find out more about it here!  
Personal budgets: enabling choice & control for persons with disabilities  
EASPD and the UNIC partners call on national and European decision-makers to further support the development and scaling up of these innovative and effective approaches.  
UNIC European Conference - Personal budgets: a human rights-based way to fund and organise support  
Picture of four piles of coins which grows bigger from left to right. Buds grow from the top of the first three piles, with a hand placing one more coin on the last pile, which is the right. Join the UNIC project’s final conference in Brussels hosted by EASPD on 13 September.  
Briefing Paper on the EU Commission comprehensive Approach to Mental Health  
Here is a short paper on the EU Commission comprehensive approach to mental health.  
Early childhood intervention: what did we discuss in Albania?  
ECI conference logo and logos of EASPD and UNICEF along with text: Family centred Early Childhood Intervention: How to make it work. EASPD and UNICEF give some conclusions from the Albania conference on Family-centred Early Childhood Intervention.  
Search results 211 until 220 of 1159