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1159 results:
Technology to facilitate leadership and self-advocacy by persons with disabilities  
In this webinar, participants will learn how technology can empower persons with disabilities by facilitating leadership and self-advocacy.  
BEYOND project reports on inclusive education now available to read in 6 different languages!  
Two BEYOND project reports on inclusive education are available in six different languages.  
UN CRPD training of service provider staff! Share your good practices  
We are looking for EASPD members who have developed and implemented good practices in UN CRPD training of staff as part of an upcoming study.  
The B-WISE project is looking for good practices in developing skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises  
The project is looking for approaches that have demonstrated to have lead in the development of skills in the WISEs sector.  
Help DLEARN shed light on the disability employment gap by answering a short survey  
DLEARN is conducting a European research aiming to investigate the barriers that persons with disabilities face to enter or stay in the labour market and whether digitalisation could help reduce the d  
Webinar on Early childhood education and care in Europe: welcoming children with disabilities, and children with a migrant background  
This event on the 15th October focused on how ECEC staff and facilities can welcome children with disabilities and with migrant backgrounds and provide inclusive and high-quality education and care to  
Person-Centred Technology Webinar: Helpful Technologies for People With Deafblindness  
Take a look at the recording from our last webinar on person-centred technology: Helpful Technologies for People With Deafblindness.  
Call for Tender: Study on support services for older persons with disabilities in Greece  
EASPD is looking for a researcher/research team to carry out a study on the availability, accessibility, and quality of support services for older persons with disabilities in Greece.  
UNIC call for tender: Looking for an experienced web developer/team to develop an ICT environment  
EASPD is looking for an experienced web developer/team to produce an ICT environment that will host the 3 tools that will be used to monitor and support the development of a personal budgets systems.  
Vacancy: Project Development Officer  
We are looking for a Project Officer to join our headquarters in Brussels.  
Search results 611 until 620 of 1159