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1159 results:
2022: Time to move forward and build resilience in the disability services sector  
To mark the start of 2022 the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities’ (EASPD) launches its new 2022-2025 strategy: ‘Moving Forward: Smart Transformation and Building R  
Contribute to ACCESSIBILITECH project's mapping tool for best practices in telework, telecare and e-learning!  
ACCESSIBILITECH is developing a mapping tool to bring together the best practices in teleworking, telecare and e-learning.  
EASPD STRATEGY 2022-2025 Moving Forward: smart transformation and building resilience I. EASPD’s Vision At a time of radical change – digital, environmental, demographic and political – and as we le  
EASPD Annual Report 2021  
Check out EASPD's Annual Report 2021 to learn more about our key highlights from the previous year.  
EASPD External Communications Report 2021  
Check out EASPD's External Communications Report 2021 to learn more about our communication activities and successes over the past year!  
Testimonies from persons with disabilities about the use of assistive technology and accessibility in everyday life  
These videos by the ENTELIS+ partners show people with different types of disabilities sharing their views on the barriers, enablers, and opportunities they have experienced with the advancement of th  
Social Services Europe Statement on the Social Economy Action Plan  
Social Services Europe releases statement on the Social Economy Plan which highlights social services as key.  
Support Services for Tomorrow- Joint Declaration 2016  
This Joint Declaration is a common understanding between signatories on the direction support services should take to enable full inclusion  
EASPD launches Lisbon Declaration for Inclusive Education  
EASPD published a press release on the Lisbon Declaration on inclusive education.  
EASPD’s position on the draft general comment on Article 27 of the UNCRPD  
EASPD has provided comments and suggested amendments to the Draft General Comment on article 27 proposed by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  
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