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1159 results:
The emergence of online platforms in the social care and support sector: which impact for workers’ rights and service users?  
This paper aims to shed light on the potential benefits and negative implications that platform work can have on the social care sector.  
New Green Enough project to promote the adoption of ecological practices by adults and adolescents with disabilities  
Between 1st-2nd February the partners of the Green Enough Project met for the first time in Piraeus, Greece.  
UNIC's 3rd Belgian Transferability Workshop: How do we scale up personal budgets regionally?  
Image of hands holding coins, that have a small tree on top. The UNIC project will host an online webinar to discuss innovative and sustainable funding models.  
SIMS: Sports Inclusion Media Seal  
SIMS logo, which has the word "SIMS" in capital letters and dark blue font. The background is white. Above the letters is a five-pointed star with green, blue, orange, red and dark blue points. The SIMS project aims to enhance media coverage of social inclusion and equal opportunities through sport.  
e-Learning Officer  
EASPD is currently looking for an e-Learning Officer motivated to lead our online learning activities and enrich their resume with a working experience in EASPD’s headquarters, in Brussels.  
Independent Living and Inclusion in the Community Position Paper  
Independent Living and Inclusion in the Community for Persons with Disabilities This paper aims to support the European Commission’s work on the Guidance towards Member States to realise the right of independent living and inclusion in the community for persons with disabilities.  
EASPD discussion note - Developing Alternatives to Public Procurement in Social Services: what legal options exist?  
A woman with short hair is using a wheelchair at her desk, working. A discussion note on how authorities can develop funding models that do not fall under the scope of the EU Public Procurement Directive.  
EASPD’s written submission on the draft guidelines on Deinstitutionalization  
First page of the document with the title 'EASPD’s written submission on the draft guidelines on Deinstitutionalization, including in emergencies of the Committee of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities June 2022' displayed at the top. The United Nations invited relevant stakeholders to provide written submissions on the draft guidelines on deinstitutionalisation and EASPD to support this call by providing the attached document with  
Green Enough: Educational program to raise ecological behaviour through an inclusive methodology using Augmented Reality Technology  
Green Enough aims to empower adults and adolescents with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities to adopt more sustainable practices.  
SEURO is recruiting people to trial an easy-to-use digital health tool!  
An elderly couple sit on a couch together using a tablet computer. Volunteers will join a 6-month trial to test a new digital tool supporting older people with health conditions to better self-manage at home.  
Search results 341 until 350 of 1159