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1160 results:
Suomi Tietolomake sosiaalihuolto- ja tukipalvelusektorista vammaisille henkilöille  
FINNISH. This fact sheet provides an overview of the Social Care & Support Services Sector for Persons with Disabilities in Finland  
Finland Fact Sheet on Social Care & Support Services Sector for Persons with Disabilities  
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Social Care & Support Services Sector for Persons with Disabilities in Finland  
България Фактологична справка за сектор „Услуги за социални грижи и подкрепа за хората с увреждания“  
BULGARIAN. This fact sheet provides an overview of the Social Care & Support Services Sector for Persons with Disabilities in Bulgaria.  
Bulgaria Fact Sheet on Social Care & Support Services Sector for Persons with Disabilities  
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Social Care & Support Services Sector for Persons with Disabilities in Bulgaria.  
Österreich Factsheet zum Sektor Sozialpflege- und Unterstützungsdienste für Menschen mit Behinderung  
GERMAN. This fact sheet provides an overview of the Social Care & Support Services Sector for Persons with Disabilities in Austria.  
Austria Fact Sheet on Social Care & Support Services Sector for Persons with Disabilities  
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Social Care & Support Services Sector for Persons with Disabilities in Austria.  
The economic impact of inclusion in the open labour market for persons with disabilities  
This study was commissioned by EASPD to assist it in its understanding of the employment situation of people with disabilities in Europe and the strength of the financial case for inclusive employment  
European Semester: Developing More Inclusive Labour Market for All  
This report looks into why the European Semester should look further into the employment rates of persons with disabilities and which measures should be taken at national level to improve the current  
Salzburg Declaration: Towards more inclusive learning environments in Europe  
The Salzburg Declaration looks into a variety of recommendations for making education inclusive in Europe.  
Social welfare systems across Europe  
This report aims to provide an overview of the different social care and health systems across European and the realities in which the various stakeholders live and operate.  
Search results 1151 until 1160 of 1160