Innovation Awards

Service providers, including EASPD members, are committed to implementing the UN CRPD by transforming their services and, in doing so, striving to bring innovation and new approaches to the development of high quality services that promote full participation and inclusion in society.

Alongside our pillar on promoting innovation, EASPD holds annually its own Innovation Awards, designed to highlight the work of service providers in the disability sector. Check out our winners over the past few years!

Innovation Awards 2024

In 2024 we launched the EASPD Innovation Awards to highlight noteworthy practices that support individuals with mental health conditions and psychosocial disabilities.

Inclusive Living

The 'Move on Project' is a two-year programme of community-based rehabilitation for people with mental health conditions to adopt a person...

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Capacity building

#ParentsToParents is a support network in Slovakia where parents of children with disabilities provide counselling to other parents based on...

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GABLAB is a real-life setting lab that helps to understand situations faced by people with disabilities. It fosters co-creation, innovation and...

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Innovation Awards 2023

The 2023 edition of the EASPD Innovation Awards focused on social innovation and was linked to our International Conference 2023  on the same topic. The 6 chosen practices promote social innovation in the support services sector. You can check out the full booklet here.


Access4you wins the Innovations Awards 2023 for the international accessibility mark which certifies that specific content and other materials...

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Hubbie in Belgium won the Innovation Awards 2023 for their innovative practice that helps homeless persons with disabilities re-integrate into...

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Enable in Scotland wins the Innovation Awards 2023 for improving self-directed care in Scotland.

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Innovation Awards 2022

The 2022 edition of the EASPD Innovation Awards focused on the quality of services and was linked to our October 2022 conference on the same topic. The 5 chosen practices help inspire support services to implement modern quality measurement models focusing on improving the quality of life of the people they support. They further showcase how such models can help service providers move forward towards better quality, empowering and person-centred forms of support, aligned with the UN CRPD principles. You can check out the full booklet here.


Imago Foundation launched E-Care Innovation, an online support and care service for people with disabilities. The tool provides effective online...

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EmploymentPicture of Gentis foundation making the application

In the field of employment, Gentis Foundation won the Innovation Award for the Cuidem Amposta mobile application that helps persons with...

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Humana Nova established the felt packaging process which has helped to increase opportunities for marginalised groups and persons with...

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Innovation Awards 2021

To celebrate EASPD's 25th Anniversary, and to highlight the work of our members, EASPD has launched the first edition of its Innovation Awards. 80 practices were submitted for the Innovation awards. These practices each contribute to the advancement of service provision in one or more of the thematic areas of the EASPD Member Fora which include: Arts and Culture, Early Intervention Education, Employment, Inclusive Living, Person-Centred Technology, Policy Impact and Workforce Development and Human Resources.

The booklet we created, spotlights the 8 winners of the Innovation Awards and 17 other top-rated practices, chosen by the specialised jury put together by EASPD. 

Our top 25 Innovative Practices for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities


Lichtwerk won the 'Employment' category with their practice 'Implementation of smart assistive Augmented Reality work and training stations'....

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Workforce Development

Dominiek Savio vzw won the 'Workforce Development and Human Resources' category with their practice 'NAHDINE'. The aim of this practice is to...

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Waymap won the 'Person-Centred Technology' category with their practice 'The Waymap App', the world’s only navigation app for smartphones that...

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