Reports and studies

Read our report on how social innovation fits in the field of disability.

Read this briefing report that focuses on high-quality social service provision in Europe's transition to be more sustainable.

Here is a short paper on the EU Commission comprehensive approach to mental health.

This report addresses the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on social services in the EU.

This is a short report that covers all the key takeaways from the EASPD International Conference on ECI in Albania.

Dark grey text on a white background reads: "EASPD Provider Forum in Iceland: Innovations in Support Services for Independent Living". Below the title is a photo of an elderly man sitting down on a grey sofa, as a healthcare professional wearing a white lab coat talks to him on the right hand side of the photo.

EASPD's Provider Forum in Iceland addressed the key challenges and innovations linked to inclusive living and Article 19 of the UN CRPD.

Cover of the report. Text reads 'EURECO FORUM 2023 Final Report Supporting Older Persons with Long-Term Care Needs and Persons with Disabilities Common challenges and learning opportunities'. Picture of a young woman smiling and hugging a old woman.

This year’s EURECO Forum was focused on older persons with long-term care needs and persons with disabilities: exploring common challenges and...

This report gives an overview of the EASPD e-learning platform, Knowledge Hub.