This position paper aims to set a clear direction for the future vision and work of EASPD, and to provide recommendations on how to build...
This position paper raises awareness on the right to legal capacity and is based on the know-how and expertise of EASPD's membership.
The EU opened the negotiation for the accession of Moldova to the European Union.
This position paper looks into ECI’s crucial role in war and displacement, focusing on five countries hosting Ukrainian refugees.
This paper aims to shed light on the potential benefits and negative implications that platform work can have on the social care sector.
This paper aims to support the European Commission’s work on the Guidance towards Member States to realise the right of independent living and...
The United Nations invited relevant stakeholders to provide written submissions on the draft guidelines on deinstitutionalisation and EASPD to...
EASPD has released its Position Paper on Family-Centered Early Childhood Intervention, highlights its importance and benefits for the child,...