Guaranteeing Choice and Control: Transforming Mental Health and Psychosocial Disability Support

EASPD's Spring 2024 conference “Guaranteeing Choice and Control: Transforming Mental Health and Psychosocial Disability Support” took place in Bratislava on 20-21 May. The Conference was organised in cooperation with TENENET and SocioFórum, with the support of the World Health Organisation (WHO), and focused on the following aspects:
Clarifying guiding principles of mental health, firmly rooted in a human rights-based approach, to provide clarity and direction.
Gathering the perspectives of service providers, persons with disabilities and other stakeholders within the context of European and national advocacy.
Showcasing practical tools and good practices that translate abstract guidelines into actionable initiatives.
Reinforcing legal frameworks, funding, and supportive policies, as well as advocating for broader strategies to comprehensively integrate mental health approaches across sectors.
Following a similar structure, this position paper aims to set a clear direction for the future vision and work of EASPD, and to provide recommendations on how to build human-right, recovery-based, and inclusive mental health systems.