Inclusive Living


Article 19 of the UN CRPD establishes the equal right of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal to others. Nevertheless, independent living is only possible when the necessary support services and systems are made available, as well as when staff is adequately trained to support individuals through empowering and human rights-oriented approaches. Through EASPD, members exchange on the best ways to support individuals for them to be able to fully participate in the community as active citizens.

Good housing practices with the availability of support, personal assistance schemes, as well as effective policymaking at all levels, an analysis of the future challenges in social care and an increased cooperation with other European networks on housing for vulnerable groups are all ways to implement de-institutionalisation and grant a more independent life to persons with disabilities.

Inclusive Living

What EASPD is doing

EASPD is committed to:

  • Facilitate the development and availability of support services in the community
  • Support the transition from institutional care to community-based services
  • Collaborate with NGOs, policy makers, associations, parents and families, towards inclusive living
  • Support individuals to fully participate in the community as active citizens
  • Enable enjoyment and monitoring of human rights in the domain of Article 19 of the UN CRPD.


Join this webinar to learn about the new European Commission Guidance on Independent Living and how it can support your work.

The COM IN event will address how to promote the acquisition of communication skills of young people with intellectual developmental...

In June EASPD organised a study visit for members of the UN-ESCWA “Arab-EU Research Network on Disability.”


This paper aims to support the European Commission’s work on the Guidance towards Member States to realise the right of independent living and...

The United Nations invited relevant stakeholders to provide written submissions on the draft guidelines on deinstitutionalisation and EASPD to...

EASPD has set up a taskforce to support in developing input for the European Commission on the development of the EU Framework of Social...


Inclusive Living


AccessibleEU is an accessibility resource centre on the built environment, transport, information and communication technologies, and policy.




Reports and studies

EASPD Innovation Awards 2024

This year, awards were presented to 5 practices promoting the transformation of mental health and psychosocial disability support.

The report outlines key findings, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive and inclusive mental health support services.

This report gives an overview of the EASPD e-learning platform, Knowledge Hub.

This research aims to provide useful data, concepts, and analysis of models of promising practices in the context of independent living for...

The study aims to provide a framework to measure the quality of services for persons with disabilities that are outcomes focused, centred on the...

This report centres five case studies from across the European region where an institution for persons with disabilities, including those with...

This report provides a better understanding of the state of play on the availability of social care & support services in remote rural areas in...