Independent Living and Inclusion in the Community Position Paper

In March 2021, the European Commission launched the European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, outlining different initiatives that will undertake over the years to come. One of these initiatives - a flagship initiative - is the development of a Guidance towards Member States on Independent Living and Inclusion in the community. More specifically, it is stated that “The Commission will, by 2023, issue guidance recommending to Member States improvements on independent living and inclusion in the community, in order to enable persons with disabilities to live in accessible, supported housing in the community, or to continue living at home (including personal assistance schemes).”
The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities developed this paper based on the knowhow, experience, and expertise of our membership, representing over 20.000 organisations for persons with disabilities across 41 countries. This paper aims to provide support to the European Commission’s work on the Guidance towards Member States to realise the right of independent living and inclusion in the community for persons with disabilities.