EU Framework on Social Services of Excellence for persons with disabilities: Input of the Taskforce on Quality of Services

In March 2021, the European Commission launched the European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, outlining different initiatives that they will undertake over the years to come. One of these flagship initiatives, is the development of an EU Framework on Social Services ofExcellence for Persons with Disabilities. More specifically it is stated that “Building on the existing voluntary European Quality Framework for Social Services, the Commission will present, by 2024, a specific framework for Social Services of Excellence for persons with disabilities, to improve service delivery for persons with disabilities and to enhance the attractiveness of jobs in this area including through upskilling and reskilling of service providers.”
EASPD has set up a taskforce to support in developing input for the European Commission on the development of the EU Framework of Social Services of Excellence. The outcome of this taskforce is this draft paper that provides a first reflection of the key elements that an EU Framework on Social Services of Excellence needs to include.
This is a draft version of the document which will be finalised and published at the end of 2022.