Report on Inclusive Education in Post-Secondary Institutions in Selected European Countries

This state-of-the-art report outlines the current landscape of Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE) in selected European countries for people with intellectual disabilities aged between 18 and 24. With this report, EASPD Member Forum on Education aims to compile comprehensive data and contribute to the national and European implementation processes of IPSE for persons with special education needs, enhancing awareness on the topic and ensuring that youth with disabilities are able to access quality post-secondary education that addresses their specific needs and prevents discrimination. The results of the report will serve as a foundational resource for EASPD and its members, enabling them to inform stakeholders about pathways to IPSE across Europe and to contribute to future policy-making.
Fatima Gulmaliyeva, Research and Policy Assistant, EASPD
With the support of:
Rachel Vaughan, Head of Operations, EASPD
Giulia Bergamasco, Project Officer, EASPD
EASPD. (2023). Inclusive Education in Post-Secondary Institutions in Selected European Countries. Brussels.