• Reports and studies, EU Economic and Social Governance

New perspectives on quality and outcome measurement of services for persons with disabilities

The report focuses on the outcomes of the EURECO Forum 2022 regarding recent developments linked to quality of services for persons with disabilities.


In March, EASPD and its partners co-hosted the sixth annual European research platform for inclusive community planning and service development for people with disabilities (EURECO), to discuss recent developments linked to quality of services for persons with disabilities. The EURECO-Forum 2022 has tackled this question by bringing together service providers, users, as well as stakeholders, to discuss the ongoing trends and the key priorities for the development of quality frameworks for services of excellence.

This report includes an overview of the event, as well as a summary of the discussion around commonalities and differences between the former quality assurance debate and the more recent discussion on effectiveness and outcome measurement. In the document, crucial areas for further research and collaboration to make services more efficient and inclusive are highlighted.



Renaud Scheuer, Head of Knowledge and Innovation, EASPD

Ángela Corbi, Research Assistant, EASPD


EASPD. (2022) EURECO Forum 2022: Report. New perspectives on quality and outcome measurement of services for persons with disabilities. Brussels.


Brussels, March 2022