• Reports and studies, Employment

CO-RESP report: Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP) for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities

Text reads: Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP) for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities. The CO-RESP logo is at the top and centre of the visual with the EU funding logo at the bottom right. A picture of a person with disabilities is placed at the bottom left of the visual.

This paper aims to identify how public authorities can promote quality employment for persons with disabilities via public procurement.

Short Description 

This paper seeks to identify how public authorities can promote inclusive and quality employment opportunities for persons with disabilities through the public procurement cycle. Put differently, it aims to explore the ways in which public authorities can design public procurement contracts that simultaneously meet their needs and achieve a positive social outcome, which is, in this case, the promotion of inclusive and quality employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

After an overview of public procurement and the employment situation of persons with disabilities in Europe, this paper looks at how public authorities can implement a disability inclusion component in public tenders.

This document then presents promising practices from across Europe, reflecting on cases where public procurement has been successfully used to promote quality employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. This exchange and dissemination of practices aims to generate incentives for replication.

Guidelines and recommendations are a further key output of the CO-RESP project to effectively assist local authorities in developing national plans on how to improve their use of public procurement to effectively stimulate quality employment of persons with disabilities.



Thomas Bignal (Head of Policy, EASPD), Miguel Buitrago (Research and Development Officer, EASPD), Nina Kozlowitz (Learning and Development Officer, EASPD), Filippo Sinicato, (Research and Innovation Assistant, EASPD)


EASPD (2023). Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP) for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities


Brussels, October 2023.