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From environmental sustainability to social inclusion

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5 people gather around their colleague's desk and smile as they work together. On the desk, there are 3 white mugs and a laptop open, as well as notes scattered around.

The end of summer, the start of new beginnings

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Two people sit around a wooden, rectangular table with their notebooks in front of them. They sit opposite one another. They both look at the screen of the laptop between them.

The one-stop shop for all things accessibility

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A clear light bulb that has been repurposed as a terrarium sits upon green grass with daisies in the background. The background also shows a woodland setting with tree trunks.

What does social innovation mean for support and social care providers?

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A group of 10 volunteers wearing the same dark blue T-shirt huddle together during a pep talk.

Reaping the fruits of volunteering

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Photo of a person with long hair sitting on the grass on top of a hill with their back to the camera. Buttercups have grown on the grass but are not in focus. The person wears a fedora hat, blue jumper, and has a large EU flag draped over their shoulders, covering their back . The skies are are slightly cloudy, but still blue.

Elections! Elections! Read all about it! (especially us, the support service sector)

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Three pairs of hands cup a completed jigsaw of a multicoloured heart. The background is teal.

How upskilling and knowledge strengthens the care sector

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Man with disabilities smiles and has his arms folded. He wears a grey button-up shirt with a red tie.

The role of public procurement in boosting employment of persons with disabilities – why and how?

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