

James Churchill, Director of Social Care Training ltd, gives his thoughts on the ECC MOOC available on the EASPD Knowledge Hub.

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European Commission present a proposal around the EU Disability Card to make it recognisable all over the EU.

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NewsImage of a young person with a disability learning on the computer, they are in a classroom, and a woman is helping them, smiling. There is another girl in the background, drawing on a tablet.

EASPD’s person centred technology member forum has taken an initiative to update its policy paper. Give us your feedback!

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NewsPhoto from the meeting of the DDS-Map project partners, in Croatia. Everyone is huddled together and posing.

The Dynamic Digital Skills for Agility and Resilience in Medical and Allied Professions was officially presented at the Faculty of Dental...

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This Declaration was made to urge local authorities to understand the potential of SRPP for people with disabilities.

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NewsPhoto from the RightToConnect multiplier event. Taken from the back, showing the conference.

On 11th and 12th July, Johannes Kepler University Linz organised a transnational event with the purpose of sharing the outputs of the...

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NewsPicture of RTCN project partners during their online meeting

Talking about their latest e-learning platform, RTCN project partners met online.

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Answer the survey by AccessibleEU on how accessible you think your surroundings are.

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UN announces a new day to recognise the importance of social care and support.

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