• News, Education

Collection of Promising Practices on the Transition from education to employment

EASPD’s Member Forum on Education is collecting promising practices on how to support the transition from from education to employment.

As a part of its activities under the Lighthouse Network EASPD’s Member Forum on Education aims to develop a manual on how services can support persons with disabilities at key transition phases during their lives namely: Secondary School into employment. This manual will include a number of promising practices on how to support the transition at each phase.

Collection of promising practices:

To defined as a promising practice the practice should:

  • Be feasible and can be upscaled in other countries;
  • Be an innovative practice which solves a current challenge;
  • Be something that has been evidence informed.

The promising practice should cover one, or more, of the following aspects of the transition:

  • The job selection and adaptation process:
    • This could include:
      • Job searching and the interview process
      • Functional assessment
      • Adaptation of the workplace including the commute to the workplace
      • Supported employment technique (with a job coach)
  • The development of the employee as an autonomous individual:
    • This could include:
      • Self-determination of the person with a disability
      • Promotion the self-esteem of the person with a disability
      • Self-Knowledge training for the person with a disability (training to better understand their rights and be aware of their disability, strengths, skills and abilities) (phycological education
      • Support to reach the goals of the person, as much as they can.
      • Certification of competences
  • The cooperation of stakeholders:
    • This could include:
      • Co-production (equal involvement of all)
      • Communication between employer, employee and Network (family)
  • The increased awareness and training of the employer and other staff:
    • This could include:
      • Awareness raising for the Employer (to know what disability means, what it means to give support etc)
      • Training for those in the workplace (employer, other employees)
  • Impact measurement - what are the benefits/changes (employer and employee) (attitudes)

Selected practices will be featured in the Member Fora's manual that can be used by stakeholders to support the transition of persons with disabilities from education to employment.

If you have a practice on one or more of the above aspects, please complete the applicaton form here and submit it to rachel.vaughan(a)easpd.eu