Workforce Development


EASPD actively promotes high standards of skill and competences amongst EASPD members and within the social care workforce of Europe, as a means of delivering good quality services. To do so, services must be person-centred and in line with core values such as rights, social inclusion and independence. Services must reject the medical model of disability and actively embrace the social model of disability.

A key pre-condition to the development of care and support services based on such principles, is the creation of a competent, well trained workforce. One that is valued by the wider society, which provides career progression possibilities, and is based on a reasonable living wage.

Finally, the disability services sector has tremendous potential in terms of job creation and will be a driving force for employment. Nevertheless, the attractiveness of the sector, and the consequent staff shortages, remain major concerns and constitute one of the key points of focus of EASPD.

Workforce Development

What EASPD is doing

EASPD is committed to:

  • Collaborate with staff and employer organisations to collect data and recommendations on workforce development.
  • Explore and promote innovative training methods and topics to ensure that staff have access to the skills required to provide quality services.
  • Encourage the professionalisation of the sector and provide career development opportunities for all staff.
  • Support the continued growth of the sector in terms of employment, including by exploring innovative ways to improve the attractiveness of disability support services to workers.


Visual announcing upcoming webinar on Good practices for public employment of people with disabilities (ILMA). On 4 October 2023, from 14:30 until 16:30 CET. Join us for an online series of presentations from public administrations and diverse social actors collaborating. Hear about how public administrations offer inclusive positions for people with disabilities with more support needs. QR code to register on the bottom right.

Take part in the online series of presentations from public administrations and diverse social actors at the ILMA event.

Between 1st-2nd February the partners of the Green Enough Project met for the first time in Piraeus, Greece.

The European Health Care Final Dissertation (EHECADI) project kicked off online on 24th February. Through the development of International Final...


No news available.


Care4Skills will create a stronger and more adaptable long-term care workforce across Europe by addressing the training needs within the sector.



Reports and studies

Workforce recovery strategy

This study concisely analyses the challenges that social support services workforce faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This report covers the discussions and topics highlighted during the EASPD 'Staff Matters!' Conference and proposes 5 key action ...