

Persons with disabilities have the same basic health needs as non-disabled people, but they often face additional health risks. People with severe disabilities are often more susceptible to common diseases or co-morbid conditions. Despite the increased likelihood that persons with disabilities will experience health challenges, today’s current healthcare systems fail to provide adequate health care services to those who need it.

Systematic failures within the healthcare system have been linked to the poor health outcomes and lower life expectancies of persons with disabilities. It is estimated that the average life expectancy of men with disabilities is over 13 years lower than those without a disability, while being over 20 years lower for women with disabilities. Barriers can be related to lack of awareness and data, accessibility, and staff training among others.

EASPD is involved in several projects designed to overcome these barriers and implement Article 25 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) and ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages (Goal 3 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals).


EASPD is committed to:
  • Improve access to healthcare, including via innovative and ethical uses of assistive technology, eHealth, and mHealth
  • Encourage the development of community-based rehabilitation processes
  • Raise awareness and address knowledge gaps, for instance by producing disaggregated data on health and disability
  • Support activities targeting mental health as a key factor for the wellbeing of persons with disabilities and the staff of disability support services.


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