Funding of Social Services


Social services require sufficient funding by public authorities (directly or indirectly) in order to provide quality services to persons with disabilities, in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. To ensure the continuity, accessibility, adaptability and affordability of quality social services, the funding must be both sufficient but also designed in a way which allows them to provide quality services and decent jobs.

As a European organisation, EASPD works significantly with the EU to ensure its economic coordination (European Semester) and legal frameworks (Public Procurement and State Aid) play a facilitating role in designing the sector’s funding eco-system. The EU also has many funding programmes which also provide a variety of opportunities for many service providers, including the European Social Fund+, European Regional Development Fund, InvestEU, Creative Europe, Horizon Europe and the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Funding of Social Services

What EASPD is doing

EASPD is committed to:

  • Working to create enabling funding frameworks for support services
  • Improving the implementation of EU legislation in the field of public procurement and state aid
  • Promoting innovative funding frameworks to support the shift to the implementation of the UN CRPD; including personal budgets
  • Helping support services access and use EU funds to innovate and provide quality services.


The new BENEFITS project will create a holistic framework that quantifies the multidimensional benefits of social services.

The Helpdesk – EU Funds for Social Services project is organising its Conference on ‘Unlocking EU Funds for Social Inclusion: Investing in...

Image of an English dictionary definition of the word "translation", with the word highlighted in pink.

Helpdesk needs help translating a document from English to French, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Greek, German, Slovak, and Bulgarian.


No news available.


No news available.


The study explores the impact of State Aid on the development of the social economy and on service providers for persons with disabilities.

EASPD's snapshot report provides insight into how the rising cost of living impacts social services in the disability sector.

The study explores the impact of social services on local development and analyses information on the different areas of impact of the social...

This report presents a comparative analysis of financing of disability care services in 13 European countries: Finland, France, Germany, Greece,...

This report provides an analysis of the social services’ opportunities, needs, and barriers to move to a Greener Social Service sector taking...

This report investigates how the Child Guarantee can best support the delivery of high-quality support for children in need and for children...

This report explores how funding models can help social care and support providers to be more in line with the principles of the UN Convention...

EASPD's 2019 European Semester presents key issues of social service providers in eight different countries across the European Union.


This report examines the opportunities and barriers represented by different employment models for persons with disabilities across the EU.

This report contains a comprehensive collection of facts and figures on social infrastructure and social services and the related financing...