The European Pillar of Social Rights


The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) was set out in 2017 by the EU to act as a compass for a strong social Europe. The EPSR sets out 20 principles in three main areas: (1) equal opportunities and access to the labour market (2) fair working conditions and (3) social protection and inclusion.

All 20 principles relate to the lives of persons with disabilities, as well as to their service providers in areas such as employment, education and training, or long-term care. Principle 17 relates to the inclusion of people with disabilities and states that they have the right to income support, a work environment that is adapted to their needs, and services that enable them to participate in the labour market and society.

The European Commission launched its proposal for an Action Plan for the EPSR in March 2021. Following this, in May 2021, the European Commission, Member States, Social Partners and Civil Society committed to 3 targets to achieve by 2030:

  1. At least 78% of people aged 20 to 64 should be in employment

  2. At least 60% of all adults should participate in training every year

  3. The number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion should be reduced by at least 15 million, including at least 5 million children.


What EASPD is doing

EASPD is committed to

  • Support the transformation of services for persons with disabilities to implement the principles of the EPSR
  • Partner with the EU and Member States to create the right policies which would enable the implementation of the EPSR
  • Monitor the progress made towards the implementation of the EPSR
  • Provide information, models of good practices and support to member organisations.


Image of a woman wearing a VR headset. She is wearing a yellow top, and smiling. Behind her is a multicoloured wall.

The Virtus closing event will discuss the future of vocational training for autistic individuals through virtual reality.

Close-up of a hand with stains of dark purple paint on a grey background. The colour purple represents women's rights.

The RESPONSE project addressing gender-based violence against women with disabilities will host their closing conference.

19 project partners of the SMARTS project sit around a rectangular conference table to discuss their final meeting. All have their laptops out in front of them, and they are all looking towards a TV screen where a PowerPoint presentation is being shown.

With the SMARTS project coming to an end, project partners prep for their final meeting.


No news available.




RESPONSE will address gender-based violence against women with disabilities through more rights-based and gender-responsive services.


The report provides an overview of the informationon the Rights to Vote for people with disabilities across Europe.

This report aims to shed light on the multiple functions support services can cover in facilitating the implementation of the UN CRPD and on the...