• Friday 22 March - 13:30 - 17:30
  • Events, Employment

Maximising the use of social procurement: CO-RESP's final conference

A woman holds a smartphone, showing something on the smartphone to a man with Down Syndrome. He wears a white shirt and a red tie. They are in an office environment, where there is also a woman in a wheelchair in the background.

On 22 March, the CO-RESP project will host its final conference in the European Economic and Social Committee.

On 22 March 2024, the CO-RESP project will host its final conference, Maximising the use of Social Procurement, in the European Economic and Social Committee.

Registrations to attend the event in-person have closed.

Online attendance

If you prefer to attend remotely, the conference will also be available for online access via Zoom.

Register Online


Public procurement, the instrument through which the State purchases goods and services, has a great economic impact on the EU market, reaching up to 14% of the GDP in 2017. For this reason, in recent years, and driven by the Directive 2014/24/EU, public procurement has also become a mechanism to promote social (and ecological) policies, such as the creation of job opportunities for individuals that have traditionally been discriminated against in the labour market.

In this context, the CO-RESP project was born, with the aim of supporting local cooperation and facilitating the exchange of good practices in the creation of job opportunities for persons with disabilities through the optimal use of socially responsible public procurement (SRPP).

Event overview

This final conference will provide a space to:

  • Discuss the impact of using SRPP to integrate people with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups in the labour market.
  • Present the results of the project.

The event will target stakeholders from across Europe such as local authorities, policymakers, DPOs, SME, social economy organisations, organisations providing training and support to persons with disabilities and experts on public procurement to discuss the future of SRPP in the EU.


Contact us at miguel.buitrago@easpd.eu for any questions you may have regarding this event.

Draft agenda

13:30 – 14:00

Arrival and registration 

14:00 – 14:15

Welcome remarks

  • Christophe Lefèvre, EESC

  • Thomas Bignal, EASPD


14:15 – 14:25

Community Resilience through Social Procurement – CO-RESP

  • Miguel Buitrago, EASPD


14:25 – 15:30

Panel 1: SRPP for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities and Disadvantaged Groups

  • Valentina Caimi, European Association for Innovation in Local Development (AEIDL)

  • Michael Longhino, Chance B Gruppe (AT)

  • Alexandra Barbier, Region of Wallonia (BE)

  • Olivier Wendling, Relais2D (FR)

Moderation: Henrike Schaum, ZfSW

15:30 – 15:50

Coffee break

15:50 – 17:25

Panel 2: The future of SRPP – What’s next for Europe?

  • Kewan Mildred, Eurodiaconia

  • Mathias Maucher, Social Services Europe

  • Simone Schirru, RREUSE

  • Patrizia Bussi, ENSIE / B-WISE Project

  • Haydn Hammersley, European Disability Forum

Moderator: Thomas Bignal, EASPD

17:25 – 17:30

Concluding remarks

  • Franz Wolfmayr, Zentrum für Sozialwirtschaft (ZfSW)