Innovation Awards 2023

To recognise and applaud practices that have been innovative in social service provision, we launched the 3rd edition of the EASPD Innovation Awards in 2023! These awards were in line with the EASPD International Conference on Social Innovation in Helsinki. Each practice was assessed by a jury for its level of innovation and the extent to which it promotes the implementation of the UN CRPD. 6 promising practices were selected and showcased during the Social Innovation conference in Helsinki, Finland on 12-13 October 2023. 

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Find here winners of the 6 practices on social innovation!


Access4you wins the Innovations Awards 2023 for the international accessibility mark which certifies that specific content and other materials...

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Hubbie in Belgium won the Innovation Awards 2023 for their innovative practice that helps homeless persons with disabilities re-integrate into...

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Enable in Scotland wins the Innovation Awards 2023 for improving self-directed care in Scotland.

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SV wins the Innovation Awards 2023 for a practice that makes politics more accessible for people with disabilities.

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e-Nable Greece wins the Innovation Awards 2023 for a practice that transforms digital images into tactile 3D printed images.

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Shekulo Tov wins the Innovation Awards 2023 for a practice that helps people with complex disabilities get access to good training and...

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