• Education

Support Apprenticeship system by L'ADAPT

LADAPT's submission 'Support Apprenticeship' was chosen as one of the three promising practices within the 'Education' category.

LADAPT designed and implemented the Support Apprenticeship system when faced with the need for a solution to support the professional transition of people with disabilities. It aims to bring those who are distanced from the mainstream labour market closer through apprenticeship contracts. The unique element of this practice is its consideration of the entire ecosystem revolving around the person concerned.

Name of practice: Supported Apprenticeship / L'apprentissage accompagné

Organisation: L’ADAPT

Description of organisation: Founded in 1929, L’ADAPT is an association of public utilities, manages over a hundred establishments and services in all regions of France, and supports nearly 20,000 persons with disabilities annually. Aside from the management of socio-medical centres, their fields of actions are employment, training, schooling, social & professional integration and also cooperation with governmental bodies for disability-related initiatives.

Country: Pantin, France 

Year of initiation: 1992

Funding: Subsidy from the OPCO (Operator of competencies) 

Link to UNCRPD: Article 19 – Living independently and being included in the community, Article 24 –Education, Article 27Work and employment 

Description of practice: LADAPT designed and implemented the Support Apprenticeship system when faced with the need for a solution to support the professional transition of people with disabilities. It aims to bring those who are distanced from the mainstream labour market closer through apprenticeship contracts. The unique element of this practice is its consideration of the entire ecosystem revolving around the person concerned, making it possible to support not only the apprentice with their administrative procedures, but also the employer and training centre.  

Problem targeted: Despite the legislative framework in force and the progress made in recent years, persons with disabilities continue to face high unemployment rates compared to people without disabilities. They are often excluded from the mainstream labour market often due to discrimination and lack of support. The Supported Apprenticeship system is designed not only to support and guarantee a smooth transition into employment (from education to employment or professional transitions) but also to prevent termination of contracts and thus secure career paths. 

Solution offered: The practice aims to ease the transition process and access to the mainstream labour market using a person-centred approach. This approach facilitates access to training by supporting and accompanying any potential apprentice with a disability up to the point when they secure employment. 

The professional integration adviser (CIP) initiates a process of co-production both with the potential apprentice with a disability and their family and eventually, gets in touch with the various stakeholders involved. Stakeholders involved in the process include apprenticeship training centres (CFA), trainers, disability referents in the company, employers, organisations specialising in employment, etc. These actors can provide clear support and strong points of contact for the apprentice, facilitating a smoother transition towards employment. Each of the stages undertaken is assessed through points of monitoring and evaluation to validate the course. 

Impact generated by the practice:

A sociological study carried out in Brittany highlighted the direct impact of this practice on the employability of people with disabilities. According to a 2009 report, on average, 400 apprentices per year benefit from this scheme and 80% of them have found a job at the end of the apprenticeship.

Sustainability of the practice:

As this practice has proved its worth in the Brittany region, LADAPT has been commissioned by the Ministry of Labour to model and spread the practice across the nation. Indeed, the practice represents an effective means of ensuring professional transitions (from education to employment or from one job to another), securing careers and preventing breaches of contracts. LADAPT now aims to publish a guide to be used on both local and national levels that proposes a methodology for implementing supported learning in phases whilst considering all needs of the person concerned. 

Contact Information:

Hickmah Tagaully, European Projects Manager

Additional links:

L'Apprentissage accompagné - Article

Le 16e anniversaire de la loi du 11 février 2005 - Article

Dispositifs d'apprentissage adapté en France - Article

Qualification et insertion professionelle des apprentis handicapés: Utopie ou réalité? - Article