• Reports and studies, Workforce Development

Workforce recovery strategy

This study concisely analyses the challenges that social support services workforce faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Social Services Workforce Recovery during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Good Practice Examples from Finland, Romania, Spain, Ireland and Germany 


This study concisely analyses the challenges that social support services workforce faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, social services focused on maintaining the provision of services, but the recovery of the sector, in the long term, requires a focus on the well-being of the staff, employment stability, a digitalisation of the services as well as a re-skill of the staff to cover the changes implemented. With data collected through interviews, this study collects good practices and potential solutions for the recovery of the social services workforce in the long-term in Finland, Romania, Spain, Ireland and Germany.



Ciprian Panzaru

Sigrid Rand


Renaud Scheuer. Head of Knowledge and Innovation, EASPD


EASPD. (2021) Social Services Workforce Recovery during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Good Practice Examples from Finland, Romania, Spain, Ireland and Germany. Brussels.


Brussels, December 2021