Reports and studies

This report analyses the trends and needs in social care services in five non-EU countries: Turkey, North Macedonia, Albania, Moldova and...

This report analyses the trends and needs in social care services in five non-EU countries: Turkey, North Macedonia, Albania, Moldova and...

This report follows EASPD’s first Snapshot report on the impact of Covid-19 on DisabilityServices in Europe (April 2020) and aims to provide a...

DUTCH. This report follows EASPD’s first Snapshot report on the impact of Covid-19 on DisabilityServices in Europe (April 2020) and aims to...

This report addresses Early Childhood Intervention and the UN CRPD and provides country-specific information and recommendations of ECI...

EASY TO READ. This report summaries the conclusions and main issues of the EURECO Forum’s fourth annual forum which discussed how we can achieve...

This report summaries the conclusions and main issues of the EURECO Forum’s fourth annual forum which discussed how we can achieve inclusive...

The Employment for All report translated in French.This booklet highlights different models and approaches for the inclusion of persons with...