• Inclusive Living


The project aims to support the transition to user-centred funding models (such as Personal Budgets) in long-term care (LTC). UNIC will develop tools to help service users, service providers and mainly public authorities to implement a user-centred funding model in long-term care.

The UNIC project aims to support the transition to user-centred funding models (such as Personal Budgets) in long-term care (LTC). Personal budget is an amount of money which is provided to an individual by the public authorities and the individual can decide how to use it to cover their support needs. UNIC will develop tools to help service users, service providers and mainly public authorities to implement a user-centred funding model in long-term. 

Project main target groups: Persons with care and support needs, their families, caregivers and friends. Long-term care service providers and staffPublic authorities.
Project beneficiaries: Persons with long-term care support needs, service providers and public authorities.

These objectives will be achieved with the following activities:

  • Models of Good Practices report on Personal Budgets 
  • Challenges-responsive guidelines Roadmap 
  • Quality Monitoring Tool 
  • Service Delivery Tool 
  • Compliance Assurance Tool 
  • Pilot of the UNIC toolbox
  • Transferability Guidelines 
  • Transferability Workshops in ES, CZ, FI and AT 
  • UNIC Transferability Action Plans
  • UNIC Transferability Study 

European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI (2014-2020)”


October 2020 - September 2023


Konstantina Leventi, Policy Officer

Project website

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