• Rights

SMARTS- Supporting Me About Rights to Sexuality

The SMARTS project aims to better identify the support needs of persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with mental health conditions in the field of sexuality, as well as develop their skills and those of the care providers, to make supported decisions in the field of sexuality.

What is SMARTS?

"Supporting Me About Rights To Sexuality"!

The SMARTS project aims to better identify the support needs of persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with mental health conditions in the field of sexuality, as well as develop their skills and those of the care providers, to make supported decisions in the field of sexuality.
The expected result will be, on the one hand, for persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with mental health conditions to feel more empowered to make decisions with regards to their sexuality and, on the other hand, for supporters to feel better equipped and skilled to support decision making.

All the activities at a glance:

  • Guidelines on supported decision making and practices in the field of sexuality for persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with mental health conditions. These guidelines will be separately addressed to family carers and professionals.
  • Awareness toolkit for persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with mental health conditions.
  • Training course for caregivers.

Erasmus+ Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Knowledge Alliance (KA2)
Grant agreement number: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-082783


Online kick-off meeting

The Kick-off meeting of SMARTS project took place on-line, due to COVID-19 restrictions, on the 29th and 30th of September 2020.
In the meeting, the partners established a joint work plan, ensuring a shared vision of the project and a thorough consensus and understanding of project management tools, agreement on the plan and requirements to be used during the project. Partners set the tone for a an interesting and fruitful collaboration!


1 September 2020 - 31 August 2023

Project Partners
Contact details

Tiziana Fantucchio, Senior Project Officer, EASPD

Project website