SKILLS II - Improving skills, changing lives
SKILLS II aims to improving skills and changing lives through self-directed support. The main purpose of the disability services is to gain social inclusion and equal citizenship for persons with disabilities. Yet, often persons with disabilities experience that either the support systems are not supporting individual choices, staff working in disability services do not have the needed skills to support people individually or that managers/leading social workers/community leaders lack the skills and competencies in promoting the change in their organisations. Manypersons with disabilities are still forced to passively accept the services and support they are offered even if that kind of support and services are not suitable for them. Self-Directed Support is an existing mechanism for persons with disabilities to gain more control and freedom on choice in their everyday life, but it is not widely used in Europe, even though it is proven to be an efficient way for persons with disabilities and organisations to organize services in person-centered way.
With the target of increasing demand for the primary learning on self-directed support; we will work with:
- Social workers who assess needs and develop support solutions
- Managers in service providers who can adapt their way of working to support self-direction
- System leaders who can increase the opportunity for people to use self-directed support
1 September 2019 to 31 August 2022
Webinar 11 May 2020
This webinar will explore the development and progress of self directed support in Finland.
• What has been done so far?
• What has been learned?
• What do we want to do in the future?
In session there was an opportunity and space for interaction, questions and further discussion.
The presentations are available below:
KVPS presentation
Self Directed support in Finland - Experience from first phase
Personnal budgeting: developing a Finnish Model
Webinar 7 May 2020
Two webinars are organised in order to explore developments on self-directed support in Europe:
- Self Directed Support - A chance to explore developments around Europe. 7th May & 11 th June 2020. All information in this leaflet.
Below are the videos from the webinar held on 7 May 2020, divided in two parts:
Part 1: COVID-19 and overview
As we currently live the COVID-10 crisis, the first session is a discussion on how people, families and services are facing the crisis. The webinar is introduced by Keith Etherington:
Europe and services under COVID19, described by Kirsi Konola from KVPS:
The role of families under the crisis and how it enlightens a future challenge, explained by Simon Duffy:
Part 2: developments in Scotland
Here is an overview of the development of self-managed support in Scotland.
Development of self directed support in Scotland
Daniella's experience of SDS: how she beneficied it and lessons learned:
Debbie's familiy experience of her son using SDS:
KVPS (Finland) - the coordinator
EASPD (Belgium)
Anffas Onlus (Italy)
The Centre for Welfare Reform Limited (UK)
In Control Scotland (UK)