Inclusive University Digital Education (InclUDE)
The InclUDE project aims to promote the realisation of accessible and inclusive higher education opportunities for students with special educational needs. To achieve this goal the project has three key aims:
- To provide an easy way to search and access free and open tools for online accessibility.
- To create a practical, step-by-step resource that guides lecturers through setting up online teaching sessions that are accessible to a wide range of students.
- To create guidelines of considerations that can help lecturers to make their teaching scheduling and practice more inclusive.
InclUDE online repository of digital tools
Target Groups:
- Higher Education lecturers -who are the main beneficiaries of project’s repository of online tools and guidelines on accessibility and inclusion.
- Students - who will benefit from lecturers using best practices in online teaching.
- Support service providers- who will also be able to us the project’s repository of online tools and guidelines on accessibility and inclusion to support education institutions to become more inclusive.
- HEprofessionals and administrators.
- Teachers from other fields (e.g. schools, adult education, VET).
- Creation of online Web Repository of existing digital access tools
- Development of guidelines for accessible online teaching
- Development of guidelines for inclusive online teaching that will address considerations for teaching practice that don't fall under the category of legally mandated accommodations, but can facilitate attendance and participation for students with a range of challenges.
- Release of Policy Recommendations for inclusive and accessible higher education organisations.
Latest News:
Inclusive University Digital Education: InclUDE project kicks off online
World Access to Higher Education Day: How can IncLUDE project contribute?
InclUDE study finds digital divide in use of accessibility tools in Higher Education
Inclusive University Digital Education: Partner in Focus Universität Klagenfurt
Closing Conference- Inclusive Higher Digital Education: The way forward
Inclusive University Digital Education: Partner in Focus with EASPD
Project Materials:
- InclUDE Leaflet in English | French | German
- InclUDE report on the use of accessibility tools in higher education English | French | German
- InclUDE Recommendations for Inclusive University Digital Education English
- Access the InclUDE online repository of digital tools here.
- InclUDE Technical Guidelines for Accessible Digital Higher Education English | French | German
- InclUDE Inclusive Consideration Guidelines Extended English | French | German
- InclUDE Inclusive Consideration Guidelines Concise English | French | German
- Coordinator: University of Wolverhampton(UK)
- UniversitätKlagenfurt(Austria),
- Universite Rennes II (France)
- European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities(Belgium)
15 months
Rachel Vaughan, Head of Operations at EASPD
Funding agreement 2020-1-UK01-KA226-HE-094428
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.