• Workforce Development

In-Tour- Accessible Tourism Manager and Operator

In-Tour focused on providing the tourism sector with the appropriate knowledge and skills for inclusive tourism.

The IN-TOUR project equipped managers and personnel in the tourism sector with the appropriate knowledge, skills and personal and transversal competences to provide adequate services for all customers, especially those with special access requirements. 


Inclusive tourism can only become a reality when professionals within the industry have the necessary knowledge on accessibility. The project defined, from existing and/or emerging skills needs, the competences that Inclusive Tourism professions should have in order to overcome the gap between the supply and the demand for accessible services in the tourism market. 


  • Professional profiles - The definition of two professional profiles for Inclusive Tourism Manager and Inclusive Tourism Frontline Staff. These profiles are specific for the tourism sector and must be clearly defined to promote the cross-national certification of the curricula.
  • European Curricula - The definition of two European Curricula for Inclusive Tourism Manager and Inclusive Tourism Frontline Staff. These were promoted as reference frameworks for the professional profiles in accessible tourism at European level for Vocational education and training (VET). 
  • Guidelines -Guidelines to support teachers to design effective learning activities starting from the localised curricula. The guidelines have indications and methodological recommendations for teachers on how to use and customise tools proposed by the project, as well as how to identify the most adequate teaching and learning methods for the delivery of the activities.
  • Pilot courses - Five courses were carried out in Germany, Greece and Italy. According to specific local needs they could be Continuing Education Courses or Masters, and implemented in one or more editions.
  • Free Open Contents - All of the materials used and produced during the e-learning path will be available in the form of Open contents in the Open Repository of the Learning Management System used in the project.

January 2020 - September 2023


Giulia Bergamasco, Project officer

Project website