IE+: Promoting positive attitudes and evidence based policy for inclusive education

'Promoting positive attitudes and evidence-based policy for inclusive education' (IE+) is an Erasmus + funded project which aims to provide decision-makers (policy-makers and education providers) with the information, training and tools that allow for evidence based policy making. Through these activities the project will facilitate not only adequate policy frameworks but also their real implementation, with a special focus on the transition from segregated to inclusive education settings.
This project partnership is convinced that the goal of inclusive education is achievable. However, the essential conditions and incentives that will make inclusive education a reality are missing. These conditions are:
- A shift of economic support from segregated to mainstream education providers
- Teacher and staff training to raise awareness and understanding of the concepts and advantages of IE and universal design
- A reform of the educational system based on more flexible curricula leading to more flexible certifications adapted to the needs of everyone. The methods used to measure success and failure in schools should be redefined to allow the learner to express his competencies in the most appropriate way.
To address these issues and achieve its aim, the IE+ project will:
- Conduct research to calculate the economic and social benefits of IE (link to Social return on investment and Quality of Life)
- Create a learning and training framework directly involving education providers and public authorities to provide evidence and training opportunities which will enable decision makers to develop polices which facilitate the transition towards inclusive education
- Set-up different National Network Groups (NNG) of experts on Inclusive Education.
- Project Launch 8-9th March
- Project update! Promoting positive attitudes and evidence-based policy for inclusive education
- From theory to practice: IE+ partners take next steps towards supporting decision-makers to make evidence-based policy for inclusive education
- Country Report Release: Inclusive Education: What’s the state of play in your country?
- Results of IE+ research presented at European Educational Research Association Conference in Hamburg
- IE+ Partners come together in Athens to promote evidence-based policy for inclusive education
- IE+ Policy debate
- The European Union must lead the way for more inclusive education systems for learners with intellectual disabilities
- IE+ partners release policy recommendations for more inclusive education across Europe
- Together we learn better! Join our inclusive education campaign for your chance to win a photoshoot for your class
- Closing conference: Promoting positive attitudes and evidence-based policy for inclusive education
IE+ launches training materials for the IE+ inclusive education training course!
- Country Reports, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Greece
- IE+ Comparative analysis: 'Realising Article 24': A comparative analysis over 5 EU countries
- IE+ Policy recommendations: Inclusive Education: The Way Forward
- Together we learn Better! Information Flyer English, Bulgarian, Dutch, Spanish, Greek, French, Italian.
- Index for Preschool
- Index for Primary School
- Index for Secondary School
- Find all of the project results here
University of Salamanca, Spain
The National Association of Resource Teachers in Bulgaria (NART)
ESTIA - Support & Social Care Center for People with Intellectual Disability, Greece
January 2018 - January 2021
Rachel Vaughan, EASPD Operations Manager
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ under grant agreement No. 2017-3338/001-001.
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