• Inclusive Living


Hi-Ability aims to promote the empowerment and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities, by developing their skills in outdoor activities.

The Hi-Ability project's main objective is to promote the empowerment and the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities, by enhancing their abilities in the field of outdoor touring and hiking.


Hi-Ability wants to open the doors to new spaces of education by promoting methods that encourage independence and inclusion. Outdoor activities such as hiking and eco-tourism are still not very accessible. The project aims to create an enviroment where it is possible to equalise the differences and highlight everyone's professional skills 


  • Improve adult educators’ knowledge, competences and skills on how nature/outdoor experience can improve the social skills and well-being of people with disabilities
  • Promote the acquisition of different skills (environmental issues, natural cultural heritage, hiking-related skills, public speaking etc.) for adult people with disabilities, with the final aim of equipping them with improved personal and professional abilities
  • Change the cultural perception of disability by showcasing the value of people with intellectual disabilities as experts in the field of outdoor experiences and guided tours
  • Define a European model for the education of adults with disabilities through the use of outdoor activities.

Main target groups

  • Educators/professionals
  • Caregivers
  • People with intellectul disabilities and their families


  1. Hi-Ability Toolkit- A toolkit which aims to provide the target groups with resources for designing and implementing outdoor activities.
  2. Hi-Ability App- A mobile application to support the target groups in planning, organising and carrying out outdoor activities.
  3. Hi-Ability Travel Guide- A collection of accessible paths/experiences mapped by people with intellectual disabilities in collaboration with educators/professionals/caregivers/families.
  4. Hi-Ability policy recommendations and guidelines- Recommendations for policy makers based on the findings and experiences of the project, and guidelines for implementing the methodology.




Cooperativa Sociale Controvento ONLUS, Italy

ASD Trekkify, Italy

Health Life Academy, Croatia

EPIONI, Greece

Epos Fylis, Greece


December 2020- November 2022


Dimitri Papakoch, EASPD Events and Operations Officer

Erasmus+ Key Action 2 – Strategic partnership in the field of Adult Education