• Workforce Development

ENhANCE - EuropeaN curriculum for fAmily aNd Community nursE

The ENhANCE Project aims to improve family community care through highly specialised nurses.

The ENhANCE Project will target the specific mismatch between the skills currently offered by nurses working in Primary Health Care (PHC) and those actually demanded by both public health care institutions and private service providers when applying innovative healthcare models centered on PHC. Starting from existing research evidence and results of ongoing EU Projects, a Professional Profile (PP) for FCN will be defined, as the EU benchmark for VET of FCNs. The competence-based PP will be the baseline for the definition of a European, innovative, learning outcome-oriented modular VET Curriculum for FCN.


EU population ageing is a long-term trend placing many challenges at EU and national level. EU recommendations point out the importance of family and community in the ageing process, emphasising Primary Health Care (PHC), frailty prevention, early detection, and diagnosis. To face these challenges, many WHO reports underline the need of implementing new healthcare models centered on PHC, i.e. a first-contact, accessible, continued, comprehensive and coordinated care providing a gateway between the community and the health systems. The Family and Community Nurse (FCN) is also identified as a key-actor in the new PHC model.


  • Increase the specialisation level of nurses working in PHC Family and Community Nursing skills
  • Foster the development of FCNs curricula referring to a formalised EU profile based on WHO and EU politics recommendations
  • Enhance the shift from the old PHC model to the new healthcare models centered on PHC.


  • Professional Profile for the Family and Community Nurse (FCN)
  • Curriculum for Family and Community Nurse (FCNs)
  • Three national pilot Curricula
  • Recommendations for investment on FCN
  • Guidelines supporting VET providers
  • Training course for teachers
  • Innovative open online tool



National Research Council-Institute for Educational Technology (CNR-ITD), Italy

SI4life scrl, Italy

University of Genoa (UNIGE) Italy

Ligurian Health enterprise (ALISA), Italy


University of East Finland (UEF), Finland

Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Thessaly, Greece

Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete, Greece

Hellenic Regulatory Body of Nurses (ENE), Greece

Future Balloons Unipessoal, Lda, Portugal

Academy of Business and Administration GmbH (AWV), Germany


January 2018 - December 2020


Adriana Popa, EASPD Membership Officer

Project website