• Capacity building

Disability Leaders of Tomorrow (D-LoT)

The project aims at innovating service provision in the disability sector in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Through an innovative mentoring training programme targeted at professionals working in managerial positions in service providing organisation, the overall objective is to produce sustainable change in service delivery in line with the UN CRPD principles in CEE countries.


Disability Leaders of Tomorrow (D-LoT)


Stavros Niarchos Foundation


15 partners from 15 countries                                             

EASPD plays the role of Project Coordinator

Project Duration

The project will last for 24 months from May 2015 to January 2018

Main Objectives

EASPD has developed the Disability Leaders of Tomorrow (D-LoT) project to foster innovation and build the capacity of the disability service providers in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). D-LoT brings forth the crucial need of supporting professionals from the service provision sector in promoting and coordinating real and sustainable change in service delivery in CEE countries. 

Through an innovative mentoring training programme, the project will implement practical and customised support to professionals in service providing organisations on how to apply the paradigm shift as embodied in the UN CRPD principles in their specific environment and daily practice. By addressing the specific reality of CEE countries, the project will thus support, enhance and strengthen the role of service providers as human rights enablers by achieving the following objectives:

  • Increasing the knowledge of UN CRPD and the innovation process in the disability service provision through tailored e-learning and face-to-face trainings;
  • Increasing the capacity of service providers for implementing models of good practice and sustainable development through country-specific mentoring schemes, such as job shadowing and specific projects to pass on the acquired knowledge;
  • Increasing the know-how and cooperation among disability organisation at local, national and European level by establishing a cross-border network of disability service provision trainers.

Concrete steps

The D-LoT project will be implemented in 15 countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, FYROM, Moldova, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania.

15 mentors and 15 mentees will be selected to implement an innovative tailored training programme for service providers and managers in the disability sector in Europe.

The relationship mentors-mentees is based on active interaction and participation in several activities:

  • E-Learning platform which will include 10 training modules covering the most important learning outcomes for managerial positions in the disability service provision sector. In addition, the platform will host a knowledge centre with useful information on topics such as right to employment, inclusive education, inclusive living, and quality of services or user´s involvement.
  • Webinars: both mentors and mentees will have the opportunity to learn and discuss  recent developments on international and European policies, to find out about funding opportunities and to get to know the latest trends in the sector (models of good practice and innovative approaches from all over Europe).  
  • Job shadowing which will offer the opportunity not only to learn, but also to experience and personally apply the approaches used in the day-to-day practice. The mentor will host the mentee in his/her organisation for a one week placement to learn how to implement the acquired knowledge.  
  • Pass it On projects: upon completion of the above mentioned activities, the mentee will have to organise a similar set of training activities at local level. The mentor will assist the mentee in the design of those activities and will advise him/her on how to best pass on the acquired knowledge.

More information: www.dlot.eu


Carmen Arroyo de Sande
Development Manager
Tel.: +32 2 282 46 13