• Technology


ACCESSIBILITECH aims to promote the use of IT tools to improve and enhance e-inclusion and e-accessibility for people with disabilities and other related groups with similar needs, such as the ageing population.

ICT plays a prominent role in people's lives and this will only increase in the future. It is vital that everyone has full and equal access to these types of technologies, regardless of their diverse abilities and disabilities. Both in the consumption of digital content and in access to creation, enabling users with varying abilities and disabilities to become prosumers; meaning fully participating, active agents and co-creators in digital processes.


ACCESSIBILITECH aims to identify innovative experiences that use technology to ensure accessibility of people with disabilities in three key thematic areas:

  1. Education (eLearning),
  2. Employment (teleworking),
  3. Social and health services (online care services).

The project will also share the characteristics and the success factors of such innovative experiences, focusing in particular on their effectiveness in solving accessibility problems, reducing the digital divide and isolation processes, and supporting people with disabilities in the exercise of their rights with equal opportunities.

Main target groups

  1. Persons with disabilities
  2. Technology operators
  3. Policy makers
  4. Service providers.


The project will develop three core elements:

  • It will develop and test an ‘Inclusive and Accessible Technology Chart and Guidance’.
  • A European Technology Surveillance Team to foster and promote accessible technology and solutions.
  • An EU Knowledge Hub: a multidisciplinary ecosystem established with the major European networks of technological businesses, services providers for people with disabilities and associations of people with disabilities, joining forces to ultimately respond in a concerted way to the challenge of developing inclusive and accessible technology.


January 2021-January 2023



Miguel Buitrago, EASPD Knowledge and E-Learning Officer


EaSI – Disability Action Grant