
NewsA woman with short hair is using a wheelchair at her desk, working.

A discussion note on how authorities can develop funding models that do not fall under the scope of the EU Public Procurement Directive.

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NewsAn elderly couple sit on a couch together using a tablet computer.

Volunteers will join a 6-month trial to test a new digital tool supporting older people with health conditions to better self-manage at home.

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NewsFive people are gathered around a laptop, with one of them showing the rest something on the screen. They all have content facial expressions.

ACCESSIBILITECH has launched a toolkit that offers simple guides on how to apply accessibility to different activities and technologies.

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NewsIn the foreground, a guy with Down syndrome is working on a laptop. In the background, a woman is looking at the laptop’s screen.

B-WISE project’s partners have published a report on understanding user digital skill needs in Work Integration Social Enterprises.

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NewsA chlid with Down syndrome and two classmates playing on the floor in a school

Last October’s Knowledge Café focused on inclusive education and the quality of life for students with intellectual disabilities.

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NewsPicture of a group of persons standing and smiling. Logo of Co-Care at the top corner on the left. It is a light purple heart, text says "share to evolve, connect to remember".

Co-Care held its final conference on 14th December, and their last newsletter recaps their achievements and what they envision for the...

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NewsFive persons with intellectual disabilities sitting around a table and using a laptop.

Right To Connect Now project publishes research results on digital literacy barriers and needs of persons with intellectual disabilities.

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NewsTeacher with blonde hair smiling sitting next to a pupil with a disability who is also smiling.

Register now for the training course on Inclusive Education co-led by EASPD and AMIMONI.

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NewsPink background with a paper cut out of seven people holding one large banner above them on top of the pink surface.

RESPONSE's report gives an overview of the support needs of women with disabilities who are victims or survivors of gender-based violence.

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