

New ERASMUS+ funded project, Right To Connect Now focusing on digital inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities was kick started on...

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On Tuesday 18th May, EASPD was invited to participate in the IV Day of independent living and personal assistance, organised by Plena...

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The HELPDESK project officially started on the 1st May. Its aim is to support social services in better accessing and using EU funds and to...

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Grupo Sifu is launching the 3rd edition of "Superarte Scholarships" to promote artistic creativity, equal opportunities and support the...

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The first DIG-i-READY newsletter introduces the project and how it will promote the digital inclusion of people with disabilities in...

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The ePortoflio project was presented at EASPD's conference in May. The project is developing a platform with innovative features to...

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The SWEET HOME project held its first project meeting in Fürth, Nuremberg in April 2022. The project aims to open up a new world of...

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The University invites you to join them in Salzburg for their European State-Of-The-Art (ESOTA) Congress on 27th-28th of October 2022.

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Alzheimer Europe will be holding their 32nd European Conference in Bucharest, Romania on the 17 to 19 October 2022 in collaboration with...

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