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#ZeroCall22: Zero Project calls for nominations of innovative practices to increase accessibility

Zero Project has launched a ‘Zero Call 22’ for the nomination of innovative practices and policies from all over the world that increase accessibility for persons with disabilities

Accessibility is key to ensuring that persons with disabilities are able to live a life without barriers. To better implement Article 9 of the UNCRPD on accessibility, Zero Project has launched a ‘Zero Call 22’ for the nomination of innovative practices and policies from all over the world that increase accessibility for persons with disabilities. The nominations will close on 7th June, 2021.

To fill the nomination form, click here. The nomination form is also available in six official languages which can be accessed by contacting zero project via email.

The  aim of these nominations is to identify policies and other practices that better the lives of persons with disabilities. There are 11 themes around which the policies should be centred. Policies which are more right-based in improving lives of persons with disabilities will be given more priority.

A nomination can be submitted by anyone, including self-nominations, coming from various sectors including business, civil, technology, academic, and public. If you are not nominating your own organisation, you will have to send in the details of a contact person at the nominated organisation.

The selection criteria will be done by an international peer review group across three parameters- innovation; impact; and scalability. Innovation looks into the creative and new ways the beneficiary's lives will be improved. Secondly, impact dives into a measurable success in enabling accessibility for persons with disabilities. Lastly, scalability will look into the potential of replicating the project on a large scale.