• News, Legal Capacity

We want to hear about your practices on supported decision-making

This call marks a significant milestone in our commitment to advocate for the recognition of legal capacity for all people with disabilities.

We are pleased to announce the launch of EASPD's call for promising practices on supported decision-making, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to advocate for the recognition of legal capacity for all individuals with disabilities.

This call complements our 2023 position paper, urging Member States and the European Union to prioritise actions that uphold the right to legal capacity and provide guidance on implementing supported decision-making.

These practices will be evaluated and selected by the EASPD Secretariat using specific selection criteria, presented in the call. Once collected, the selected practices will be compiled into a paper, which is expected to be completed by October.

The collected practices will also contribute to the European Commission’s efforts on this topic, as announced in the European Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

We encourage all members to share their noteworthy and promising initiatives so that together, we can highlight and promote effective strategies across our community, as well as among the European institutions.

You have until the 6 September 2024 to submit you practices through this online form