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UNIC call for tender: Looking for an experienced web developer/team to develop an ICT environment

EASPD is looking for an experienced web developer/team to produce an ICT environment that will host the 3 tools that will be used to monitor and support the development of a personal budgets systems.

EASPD is the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities. We are a European not-for-profit organisation and represent over 20,000 social service provider organisations across both Europe and disability. The main objective of EASPD is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems.

EASPD is currently coordinating a project called “UNIC: Towards User-centred fuNdIng models for long term Care”. The aim of this project is to support public authorities to develop a personal budgets system. Personal budgets is a funding model, where an amount of money is provided to an individual with care and support needs by the public authorities and the individual can decide how to use it to cover their support needs. During the UNIC project we will develop 3 tools that will be used to monitor and support the development of a personal budgets system. The tools will be used by people with disabilities, older people and other groups who need care and support services, as well as service providers and public authorities.


Tender specification

EASPD is looking for an experienced web developer/team to produce an ICT environment that will host the 3 tools that will be developed through the UNIC project. These should also include dashboards, where are relevant metrics and Key Performance Indicators can be easily pictured and monitored and interactive step-by-step guides on how to use the tools.

The tools are innovative and practical instruments which will be used to help various stakeholders, especially public authorities, to develop, reform or implement a Personal Budgets system. The tools will be also used to provide targeted recommendations on different areas. The developer/team will produce an ICT environment to support the following tools:


  • Quality Monitoring Tool - is foreseen as a self-assessment tool for person with long-term care and supports needs to identify strengths and weaknesses of the personal budget systems by responding to questions by using preferably a Likert scale or other scale.
  • Service Delivery Tool- is foreseen as an assessment tool to help service providers of long-term care and support to evaluate their services by responding to open-ended questions, using a Likert scale and any other form of scale that may be needed.
  • Compliance Assurance Tool- is foreseen as an assessment tool for public authorities, to evaluate policies on their personal budget systems by responding to open-ended questions, using a Likert scale and any other form of scale that may be needed.


Each tool is expected to have interactive online features where a set of questions will be stored. The end-user will provide their responses and the results will be generated and shared using a user-friendly interface. The questions may contain various options such as user rating scale (1-5), multiple choice answers, open-ended text boxes etc. It will also include necessary instructions for the user on how to navigate through the tools. In addition, the developer/team will be engaged throughout the development of the tool with the UNIC project partners, in order to further suggest/develop new features for the ICT environment within a given deadline.


Main elements of work
  • The tools will be used by persons with disabilities, older people, and other people with care and support needs, service providers and public authorities.
  • The tools must be developed in an interactive web environment.
  • The infrastructure / server setup will be independently from the website of the project, but a subdomain, i.e. toolbox.unicproject.eu, can be pointed to the server running the toolbox.
  • The toolbox would open separately, after clicking on a menu link on the main website of the project.
  • The tools need to be in an easy-to-use, secure and interactive online environment and accessible to persons with disabilities.
  • The tools should follow the same style as per the project’s website : www.unicproject.eu
  • The tools should contain functional capacity to perform qualitative and quantitative data collection, storage, analysis and report generation for each survey respondent. The environment must contain the following features (subject to discussion):
    1. The web user interface (UI) must be simple, flexible, informative, accessible, user friendly and interactive both in web and mobile devices.
    2. It should allow the end user to fill up the questionnaire using multiple choice answers, Likert scale, open text boxes etc.   
    3. The tool should have necessary data storage, dashboard (using simple graph and charts where all relevant metrics and KPIs can be easily pictured and monitored & interactive step-by-step guides) features to display the results.
    4. The tools should have scoring and report generation (pdf/docx) features as a result of the surveys so that respondent-specific evaluation and recommendation can be created, stored and shared.  
    5. The tools should have features that allow anyone (including persons with disabilities) to share their feedback and share comments about the tool.
    6. The tools should display video-based instructions for users to easily navigate the ICT-environment.
    7. It should contain accessibility features for persons with disabilities and other care and support needs.
    8. It should contain features for the users to select their preferred language: English, Czech, Dutch, Catalan, German, Finnish.

The developer/team is expected to deliver:

  1. A mockup environment ready to display the mutually agreed features by the end of November 2021.
  2. A full functioning ICT environment based on the discussion and input from EASPD by March 2022.
  3. An updated version of the ICT environment by March 2023.
  4. Maintenance of the ICT tool for 5 years.

Deadline for application: 17/10/2021

Response to application: 24/10/2021

Selected applicants are expected to take on the assignment as soon as possible.

The deliverables are expected to be finalised as described under the 2nd part: Main elements of work.


Expertise required

The web developer/team will be expected to demonstrate that they have:

  • Proven expertise and hands on experience with full stake website development, web applications and programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, SQL and API’s.
  • Experience of developing websites for the social sector, such as NGOs.
  • Experience with website accessibility.
  • Experience of working in agile methodology such as Scrum and ability to produce and maintain product requirement document to handle technical specifications, epic, user stories, sprints etc.
  • Ability to work in English.
  • Ability to create the website within the deadlines proposed, with frequent input from EASPD.


Selection and award criteria

The applicant(s) should submit the following documents until 17/10/2021; 23:59 CET:

  • An official letter describing your/team expertise and explaining why you are the right candidate(-s) for the assignment (not more than 1 page).
  • A technical proposal explaining how you plan to develop the tool, including your past experience, portfolio, a work plan, resources needed, budget, etc.
  • CV, of the expert/team members.

Only selected developer/team will be contacted.


Content of the bids

The tenderer will ensure that their bid clearly identifies how they meet the selection criteria. It would also be useful to see examples of previous work demonstrating their ability to produce and ICT environment as such, primarily for NGO audience.


Payments and standard contract 

Payment will be made on receipt of a full functioning ICT environment based on the discussion and input from EASPD by March 2022 and an updated version of the ICT environment by March 2023, 40% and 60% respectively.

Only validated deliverables will be accepted and fully compensated.

The Contract will be drawn up between EASPD and the contractor.


The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer represents the best value for money, taking into account the quality of submitted document and individual expertise. The contract will only be awarded to a tenderer who clearly proves that they have knowledge, experience and expertise which match at least 70% of the selection criteria.

Contact Details

Please send bids to Omor Ahmed, Project Officer, European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD): omor.ahmed@easpd.eu


Data Privacy Statement      
  • EASPD commits to carefully handle the privacy and data protection of natural persons whose personal data are processed by EASPD.
  • EASPD only processes the personal data in a way that is compatible with the purposes for which the data were collected.
  • Personal data is collected to facilitate the tender process. Data given to EASPD is included in the CV you need to submit for your application to be considered.
  • EASPD takes appropriate measures to ensure your personal data is not kept for longer than necessary for the intended purposes. That is why your CV will not be kept by EASPD after the tender process is finished.