• News, Workforce Development

UN CRPD training of service provider staff! Share your good practices

We are looking for EASPD members who have developed and implemented good practices in UN CRPD training of staff as part of an upcoming study.

EASPD is currently coordinating a study on UN CRPD training of the staff of service providers, as part of our Lighthouse Network activities, designed to promote peer-learning among the EASPD membership.

In this context, we are looking for EASPD members who have developed and implemented good practices in UN CRPD training of staff. Indeed, while we all share the values and principles of the CRPD, it is essential to ensure that the staff in our organisations is suitably trained to the principles and the implementation of the Convention.

This Lighthouse Network activity by the Member Forum on Workforce Development and Human Resources is a study designed to identify good practices which will be included in the final report of the study (an interview with the researchers is foreseen) and presented to the other EASPD members in an event to be organised early 2022.

Members who are interested in sharing good practices in this field are kindly invited to get in touch with Renaud Scheuer, EASPD Research & Development Officer, at renaud.scheuer@easpd.eu by 31st October.