• Wednesday 30 November - 14:00 - 17:00
  • Events

Ukraine-Paused Reforms

On 30th November EASPD will host the European premiere of the ‘Ukraine-Paused Reforms’ documentary.


To attend the meeting online, register here

Registrations are now closed for the in person event. If you are due to attend and have not yet registered, please contact rachel.vaughan@easpd.eu

To attend the meeting in person, register here


Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) estimates that more than 7 million people have fled their homes, become internally displaced, or seeking safety abroad.  While many countries across Europe, civil society and private households have worked to welcome and support these refugees, little has been said about persons with disabilities who have also been impacted by the war but remain in Ukraine.

In September 2022, EASPD Secretary General, Maya Doneva and award-winning Bulgarian journalist, Miroluba Benatova, visited Ukraine to learn more about the lives of those who have remained in Ukraine and the state of the social and institutional reforms that have been planned for the county. The stories of the people that they met are told in the documentary ‘Ukraine-Paused Reforms’.

‘Ukraine-Paused Reforms’ addresses the realities of persons of disabilities who have been forced to remain in Ukraine since the outbreak of the war and explores the country’s current path towards de-institutionalisation.

The premiere will be followed by a panel discussion with documentary’s creator, Bulgarian journalist Miroluba Benatova, as well as those who’s stories are shared in the documentary. A second panel will explore what the EU can do to support de-institutionalisation in Ukraine.





Introductory remarks

  • Maya Doneva, Secretary General, EASPD
  • Pietro Barbieri, Member of European Economic and Social Committee


Documentary Introduction

  • Miroluba Benatova, Journalist and Documentary Creator, Bulgaria


‘Ukraine-Paused Reforms’ Documentary

  • Documentary viewing
  • Q&A




The reality of de-institutionalisation in Ukraine: Panel Discussion


Moderator: Maya Doneva, Secretary General, EASPD

  • Miroluba Benatova, Journalist and Documentary Creator, Bulgaria
  • Yulia Botsun, Mother to Mykola, Ukraine
  • Halyna Kurylo, DRI Advocacy, Ukraine
  • Eric Bloemkolk, SOFT Tulip Foundation, Netherlands


What is the role of the EU inde-institutionalisation in Ukraine? Panel Discussion


Moderator: Thomas Bignal, Head of Policy, EASPD

  • Uliana Tokarieva, Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine
  • Daria Herasymchuk, Advisor and Commissioner of the President of Ukraine on Child`s Rights and Children Rehabilitation
  • Representative of DG NEAR support group to Ukraine, European Commission
  • Catherine Naughton, Director, European Disability Forum


Concluding remarks

  • Maya Doneva, Secretary General, EASPD


End of event